It’s been almost 3 months since I posted. Sometimes I ask myself ,Where did all the time go? But also realise it has quite a simple answer. Work up to the eyeballs for three months,  cooking, cleaning, some behind the scene crocheting and knitting and preparing to move.
Yes we are moving again. Last Friday was my last day at work and I breathed easy after a long time. But that lasted only a couple of days and we are again busy packing, selling and  disposing stuff . 
I have a lot of crochet and knitting projects in progress, but all packed safely for sometime to come. I don’t want to do any craft work and end up losing hooks/needles in this chaos of packing, moving and settling in. Just the thought of it drives me crazy as I can’t stand to lose them! 😉
I just popped in to give you all a quick update about what’s going on here.
I wish to be back soon with a new post loaded with pictures of our new place and also some of my WIPs.
Happy crafting!!
Till I post again.