Easy peasy knotted fabric baby hat

Every time I feel the need to buy something, I try to think if I can make it myself. If there is even a slight chance that it can be DIYed or handmade fully or partially, when though the cost and effort would be more than buying it ready made, I go with the handmade option.

And this led to my next project. But before that let me tell you all that this time the baby project was for me.  Yes we have been blessed with the cutest baby boy. This was the reason I have been missing from this space for so long. It’s been a few weeks now and we have all settled into a routine, sleep deprived but functional.
Now coming back to the project, I have always wanted to make a knotted baby hat as they are not only cute but very functional too. So this time I decided to give it a try and no it’s not a crocheted or knitted hat, it sewn knotted hat.
I went to my local fabric store and bought some knitted cotton fabric in this cute giraffe print.


I joined 2 sheets if A4 size printer paper and drew the shape I wanted for the hat. And then cut the fabric as per that paper pattern. Trust me this was the more complex part if it. This hat is so simple that a beginner who has a basic sewing machine and can sew straight can make this hat.


The rest was to just put the right side of the fabric together and see all around except the bottom side.
I used my pinking shears to cut the excess fabric to reduce bull even though the knitted fabric doesn’t fray. You can also add a zigzag stitch/overcast all the way around for further security.
 Next is to just find the bottom edge and create the brim.
I first used wide basting stitchb to hold the fold in place, on my machine it’s stitch length no.5 .


Then I used a stretchy decorative stitch to stitch the fold in place all the way around. You can use a zigzag stitch for this as well. Once this is done, I ripped the basting stitch off.


Turn the hat inside out, poke all the edges out, give it a good press and voila the knotted baby hat is ready.


It’s super stretchy and has no itchy tags/seams inside to make the baby uncomfortable. My baby totally loves it
Do give it a try if you liked it and let me know how it turned out.
Till I post again.