Sunburst crochet flower cushion cover!!!

With my husband’s hectic and busy schedule during the first year of his MBA, we couldn’t travel much.  To utilize the summer break before his second year classes start , we have decided to make a trip to the USA. We will be visiting my sister and bil in Colorado.

With the arrival of summer, the days here are growing long and it doesn’t get dark till 9 at night. The trees are full of lush green leaves. 🙂
The days are all bright and sunny. And to celebrate these lovely days, I made something similar in crochet.
I made my first crochet cushion cover. Its so bright and beautiful that I decided to call it “Sunburst cushion cover” 🙂
It matches very well with my flower vase. Remember the flowers I had made.

I made 16 more flowers and made squares around them.
Joined all the squares using single crochet.


A closer look at the flower


Then I made a fabric pillow envelope case using a fleece blanket with the help of my trusty sewing machine.

This was my first attempt at making a pillow case and I’m pretty glad with the way it turned out.


My crocheted flower square all set to be attached onto the front part of the fabric pillow case.


The crochet part looks smaller, however it stretches a lot.

I used a very small crochet hook to attach the crochet part to the fabric case.
I crocheted only in the back loops.



After attaching the crochet cover to the fabric pillow case.


Finally, just stuffed it with my cushion pad and punched(;-)) it a few times for crisp corners.

And Tadahhhhh!!!


Doesn’t it look beautiful? It just brightens up my living room which is otherwise pretty dull with everything brown.




Makes a perfect set. 🙂



Info on the patterns:
Inspiration: HERE
Flower and square pattern HERE and HERE
Envelope pillow case tutorial HERE


With this done, I’m eager to make another cushion cover, but something different, not flowers. Maybe just squares. What do you suggest ?
Till I post again!!
Happy “doing what you like”.