Amigurumi crochet snowman

I know it’s been terribly quiet here for a long time. I decided to take a short break after the granny square blanket, but never thought it would be this long until I write my next post. It’s been a busy year with a new job + moving houses to be closer to work(my yarn was packed up for almost half of the year) + a trip to India + hectic work schedules = less crochet + no blogging. I’ve missed reading all my favourite blogs, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

Since I hadn’t stopped crocheting/knitting. I have a few finished projects which I’ll be blogging about in this and my future posts 🙂

It’s been snowing here since last night and continued all through the morning.
I’ve been snuggled up on my couch with a mug of South Indian filter coffee and crocheting my cute little snowman.
The snowman turned out so cute that I feel like making another with some thinner yarn so he is the size of a tree ornament.



I’m totally enjoying the holiday season with snow here. Are you enjoying the holiday season too??
Happy holidays!!
Till I post again,


Pattern info:
If you would like to make this snowman, the pattern can be found HERE.